Monday 16 September 2013

HIV Test

Hari raya yang ke-3, tahun 2011..
i was thinking of the procedure to get married..they say to get the borang nikah & hiv test form from pejabat agama Kluang..
If you dont know where is it situated..i give you the location..

pejabat agama on the links okay..

if im not mistaken..the form will cost you RM 5..they gave you a set for the bride and groom.
so you have to fill in the bride part (if you are the bride) or the groom part..and it comes with HIV test form..

so steps you have to do is

1. give your partner their form to fill in (like my husband is from melaka, so he have to fill in and submit to his district imam for approval)

hiv form 

2. you have to identify who's going to be your witness for the borang..the witness in your borang doesnt have to be the same witness for your wedding (saksi for nikah), the form you can fill in jawi or rumi..up to you..
I try to do mine in jawi, and my jawi is horrible to see..haha

3. do the HIV test..go to your nearest klinik kesihatan..find out the operating hours..normally in the form provided from pejabat agama already stated the klinik kesihatan operating hours.i get my hiv test done at Klinik kesihatan mengkibol.... do it quickly..because..last time i went,i get the test result abt 1 month but as i heard previously, it only taken one day..and then the lastest one..back to one day again..<sigh>
4.when your patner submitted the form..he will have to return the form to you..and you will have to submit the form to pejabat agama again..oh..and make sure you submit the form wihtin 2 weeks or a week before your ceremony, if not, you will be having your nikah ceremony at the pejabat kadi (trust me, you dont want that!!!)if your partner is from same district, we two must come and goes for interview session..:D
5. there will be interview session with the official there, to know if you're ready to get married or not.
tips : soalan bocor..1) mengucap dua kalimah syahadah 2) baca al-fatihah 3)rukun nikah 4)sebab mandi wajib/hadas besar dengan niat 5) tanggungjawab isteri..
this the question the official ask me, and i passed with flying colours!!yahooo~~~~~~hehe
6. then, they will submit your form and will ask to you to fill in your particular in system..this is because later on they will use system not forms anymore.
7.after the system, i was ask to wait to book the imam for my ceremony. Alhamdulillah, the imam-in-charge was in the office and i get to book him for my wedding (confirm the date and time) ALL-IN-ONE DAY.
8. Now, you're done and ready to get married!!!haha..

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